LRM 2k08


Monday, June 22, 2009

The festival I attended was the Beer Fest Asia 2009. The festival was held under huge marquee tents and under the open skies on the last corner of the F1 circuit under the Singapore Flyer. This is also the largest beer festival in South East Asia. The festival gives a unique chance to sample and taste around 300 different local and international beers across the world from price as low as $3. The festival was filled with plenty of entertainment such as the performances from the Vertical Horizon, Hells Belle’s and other local bands. Further complementing the festival experience is the range of food and merchandise stalls and games challenges available onsite to make the event a well-rounded affair. I had a great time at the festival and I felt that the event was a success.

Comparison between festivals
I have decided to compare the Beer fest Asia 2009 with The Marco Polo German Bierfest 2008 which is held in Hong Kong. In terms of marketing strategy we can look at 8 P’s which are the Product, Place, Packaging and distribution, Promotion, Partnership, Programme, People and Price to compare between these 2 similar festivals.

1) Product
The core product for both The Marco Polo German Bierfest and the Beer fest Asia is the Experience and taste that we get from tasting and sampling the various types of beers available. The main reason why people would go there is to taste and sample all the different types of beer available. The other products would be the Atmosphere and the entertainment provided in the festival. People would go there and have a lot fun which would create a party mood for everyone and make the festival more exciting and lively. They also would go for the festival for entertainment purposes to have fun and enjoy themselves.

This shows that the core product for both festivals is similar. The only difference is that for The Marco Polo German Bierfest, they allow children to attend this festival and as they are under age and would not be able to consume alcohol they could only go there just to enjoy the atmosphere and the performances.

2) Place
The Beer fest Asia was held at the Formula 1 tracks under the Singapore flyer. It is also opposite the marina barrage and the Singapore River. Partying right under the giant Ferris wheel was quite an authentic experience. Singapore’s version of the London Eye stands like a gentle giant, over the Marina Bay area, overlooking the commercial district of the city. The marquee stood right by the Singapore River and with the breezy ambience combined with sassy electronic funk, the crowd grooved to the early morning hours. The location therefore was very accessible too as there were shuttle bus services provided to the attractions nearby.

The Marco polo German Bierfest was located at the Viewing Platform, Level 6 in Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel. The marquee was bigger than the Singapore marquee which allows them to accommodate more people and it is estimated 1800 people.

Both the festivals are held in a marquee at different types of places. I feel that Beer Fest Asia is better than the Marco Polo German Bierfest as the beer fest Asia has attractions around the location and people would get to enjoy a different type of ambience and also gives them a wonderful scenery and atmosphere.

3) Partnership
The beer fest Asia has partnerships with a few companies and agencies. The packages are jointly marketed with them. The companies that they have partnerships are Singapore Tourism Board, Citibank, Singapore flyer, a few Food & beverage outlets and many other sponsors.
(Refer to stakeholders sponsors for list of sponsors for the festival)

When they have partnership with these companies and agencies the event manager would have to modify the price and even their products to make the packages more attractive to the people. So for an example as they have partnership with Citibank, they have changed the prices and give special discounts to Citibank card holders. This is to attract the Citibank card holder customers and also to market Citibank at the same time. They have also included the Singapore flyer ride in a ticket package which allows customers to take a flight in the Singapore flyer when to buy this ticket for the event. These partnerships are important as they support and enhance the event which attracts people to the event.

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Available from 3pm, 29 April until end of event.15% discount for Citibank Clear Platinum card holders. 10% discount for other Citibank credit card holders.Good for any ONE day entry except Saturday 2 May

Each ticket includes a Singapore Flyer ride, beer runner service, a $20 food & beer voucher and a reserved seat within the main marquee. Hospitality tickets are available for a minimum booking of 8 tickets. (http://www.beerfestasia.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=17&Itemid=26)

The Marco polo German Bierfest has also partnership with various sponsors such as the Marco polo hotel, Lufthansa airlines, Food & beverage outlets and other sponsors.
List of sponsors
DACHSER, Becks, Lufthansa, Lufthansa cargo, Lowenbrau, Haagen- Dazs, LEO’s Fine food Co, Perrier, Vittel, Jagermeilter, Stable International Holding Limited.

As they have partnership with the Lufthansa airlines they could have brought the German beers and also the “The Notenhoblers” Band from Germany from their airlines. The Marco Polo hotel has also given the space to held their event there which will benefit them as well as they are able to market their hotel and also have guest staying in their hotel to attend this festival.

In comparison I feel that Beer fest Asia has done a better job in finding partners and sponsors as they have more sponsors than the Marco Polo German Bierfest. They also have special ticket packages which will attract customers and also market the sponsors. As I have attended the Beer fest Asia I also realized that in their official guidebook that they give to everyone during the event all the left hand side pages of the book are given to their sponsors to market themselves. I feel that this is a good way to have partnerships as the partners would also be happy and be willing to support your event.

Promotion refers to the full range of communication mix such as advertising, public relations and sales promotion. This is a very important factor as it makes people aware of the event and also attracts them at the same time.

The beer fest Asia advertises its event mainly on the internet. This is because this is the 21st century and technology plays a major part in everyone’s life. Firstly the beer fest Asia has its own official main page where all the information about the event is provided. They advertised in various popular Singapore, travel, attractions and hotel websites for an example like the Youth.sg, timeoutsingapore.sg, millenniumhotels.sg, Singaporeflyer.sg, singaporesights.sg and even on Singapore tourism board website under the calendar of events. The reason is to attract different target group as different groups of people visit different type of websites. They also advertise the event through contest and by giving out free tickets. For an example there is a contest in STOMP where the 10 pairs who have the funniest beer story would get free tickets to the event. Then they also publicized through word of mouth in various people’s blogs, forums, Facebook and twitter. (Refer to references 1.1 for evidence)
Other than the internet they advertise in the Radio (Power 98.0), FHM , Time out Singapore Magazine and also at places such as the O’ Brien and Timbre where they sell the tickets.

The Marco polo German Bierfest advertising in quite similar to the beer fest Asia as they also mainly advertise in the internet. They also have an official website where all the information can be found, several other websites such as the sponsors, hotel, travel, restaurant website which also has details about the event. For an example would be the Dachser official website, Marcopolohotels website, Travellife.org, tassty.com. Similar to beer fest Asia they also have contest and give away free tickets. They also publicized through word of mouth in various people’s blogs, forums. (Refer to references 1.2 for evidence)

So when looking at the response the event got and the success of the event I believe that both the events have attracted their target market well. I think that they both have done a good job but it could be further improved by advertising in the television and newspapers as they are more eye-catching and reaches out to more people.

5) Packaging and distribution
A destination can package events with other attractions and services to make their event more attractive and also enhances the event. The distribution networks are important when selling tickets because they add value to the event. Therefore there must be a good relationship between the packaging partners and intermediaries.

The beer fest Asia has packaged its event with attractions such as the Singapore flyer. They have a partnership between them which allows them to include the Singapore flyer ride in their ticket package. They also packaged the event with the formula 1 which will be held in September 2009. There is a formula 1 booth in the festival where people could buy the tickets to watch the race and the ticket prices are discounted as they have a partnership with the beer fest Asia. They also have set-up a Formula 1 car stimulator ride where people could test drive. They are also other companies that they have packaged the event with such as the Citibank and the Grand Park hotel. All the companies that have been package with the event are given a chance to market themselves in booths and also in the brochures. (Refer to guide book)

The Marco polo German Bierfest has packaged its event with its tickets with the German souvenirs. People who buy the tickets would get a free beer and a beer mug with the Germany flag on it.

I think that the beer fest Asia has done a better job than the Marco polo German Bierfest as they have partnership and packaged the event with attractions and other events.

6) Programming
Programming is one of them most important part of the event which people look at. The type of program chosen for the event should be appropriate and should attract people. Some people tend to go for the event just for a particular program. So to attract people the program should be well plan and provide them with the entertainment to keep them occupied and satisfied.

The beer fest Asia programs have been crafted very well as they have allocated the day and time of the program in a way that would attract most people. They have invited Singaporean and international artists to perform on the main stage. The 2 international bands that are invited are the Vertical horizon and Hell’s Belles.

Vertical Horizon, a popular band has made their only stop in Asia during the Beer Fest Asia. Singapore is one of the first stops on the tour in support of their forthcoming new album “Burning the Days”. Vertical Horizon’s debut album under major label RCA was certified double platinum with singles "Everything You Want", "You're a God" and “Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)" skyrocketing to the top of the charts. Many people came to the event just to see the Vertical Horizon perform and with a few beers they really had a good time. They performed on the 2nd may 2009 which is a Saturday at 10pm. The event organizers have chosen this day and time slot among the 5 day event because most people would be free and available at that time and the mood of the party would be there. So I felt that it is a very smart move by the Beer fest Asia by allocating their biggest performance at the right time where people can enjoy. (http://www.beerfestasia.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=29&Itemid=52)

Hell’s Belles, the premier all-ladies Band also performed in the beer fest Asia on the 29 April and 1st of May. Playing all AC/DC and spanning pure rock brilliance of the Australian legendary band, the raw power and the undeniable appeal of the band represents a whole new generation of women that will not be intimidated. This band performed twice to attract more people on days where it is expected to have lesser patrons such as the Wednesday and Friday. (http://www.beerfestasia.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=29&Itemid=52)
There are also other local bands that performed in the beer fest Asia and they performed a few times to keep the people occupied and also to maintain the mood of the festival.
Other entertainment that was available was the Victoria Bitter National Arm Wrestling Championship, Pool, Air hockey, Foosball and Pinball. These were for the people who are not so much into music.

The Marco Polo German Bierfest Programming is similar to the Beer fest Asia. They have also invited an international artist “The Notenhoblers” Band from Germany. They are not as popular as Vertical Horizon or Hell’s Belles but they give a more of a beer fest mood as they are from Germany where the Oktoberfest Originated. (http://www.gbfhk.com/programme_details.php)
To add to the atmosphere they also had a number of games added for guests to enjoy, including the ‘Strong Man’ game; ‘Milking the Cow,’ ‘Pump-the-Balloon,’ ‘Chicken Dance’ and various drinking contests.( http://www.gbfhk.com/eng_press.pdf)
Both the Festival programs are similar but I think that the Beer fest Asia has a better edge in attracting more people as the bands that they have invited are very popular compared to the Germany band. The 2 bands would attract a lot of music fans to come and watch their performance and so they would come to the Beer fest. But for the Marco polo German Bierfest most people would not go for the festival just to watch them perform, it is just a performance to create the mood for the people there.

7) People
The staff and the service provided by them are very important as it affects the overall experience of the event. If the service is not good even how good the event is customers would not be satisfied.

In the beer fest Asia I felt that the service was very good from the beginning of the event to the end. While I was buying the ticket the staffs were very friendly explaining to us the available ticket packages and pointed out to me that as a tertiary student I would have a special discount. Then once we went into the marquee, immediately when I sat down a group of staff came to approach us and explain to us how to purchase the beer currency and they even gave us a few recommendations on what beer we should try. So I felt very heartfelt I think that the service provided was very good. This made my experience in the festival even better.

For the Marco polo German Bierfest I couldn’t explain how good the service was as I did not attend the event but according to forums and people who attended the festival there, they felt that the service was very good and also felt that the event went well and they were satisfied. (http://www.geoexpat.com/forum/thread15470.html)

So I feel that the people and the service they provide are very important for any event and it affects the overall experience of the customers. I think in both the festival the people and the service level was very good as they know how important is it is to provide good service.

8) Price
Every event comes with a price tag including those that are free such as time, travel cost and lost opportunity. The price of everything in the event affects the customer decision on whether to visit the event a not. The price also depends on the demand and supply forces.

The beer fest Asia has come up with several ticket packages which have different prices. This is to cater to all the different type of groups. They are also given 1 free beer when the tickets are bought.

There are also discounts on tickets for Citibank card holders. The beers are also cheap as most of them are priced around $3 - $9. The food & Beverage is also at a reasonable price which is affordable.

The Marco Polo German Bierfest has only 2 different ticket package prices which are one for the child and another for the adult. People are given a free beer and a souvenir mug for the adult tickets and 2 soft drinks for the child ticket. (
This is the general and common ticket price although the Beer fest Asia has a few different ticket Packages and the Marco Polo German Bierfest have different ticket prices for different days. I have converted all to Singapore dollars and also as the Beer Fest do not have a child ticket I have changed it to tertiary student price.

I feel that the Marco Polo German Bierfest has done poorly in this situation as I feel that they could have come up with several ticket packages like the Beer fest Asia and cater to different target groups. I also feel that having a child ticket is not very feasible as their main target market is the adults and young adults. I do not think that the parents would pay to bring their children for the festival as they are underage and they can consume alcohol. I believe that parents should not bring the children at such a young age because they will be taught the wrong things and even may be tempted to try the beer.

Best Practices
There are a few best practices in both the festival.
Beer fest Asia
In the Beer fest Asia 2009 they featured exotic and unusual brews from all over the world and there are over 100 kinds of beers from as low as $3 under one roof. The beers came from Chile, Mexico and Switzerland to traditional beer from countries such as Belgium, the USA and Germany. There is also the Premium beer, Dues and the most expensive beer in the world at a special promotion price only at the festival. They also launched the Oak leaf Bitter in Singapore which is a classic English beer drunk by royalty in the UK for the past 200 years. It has a distinctive flavour and pleasant aftertaste to suit the taste buds of many. So this was one of their best practices of the event which attracted a lot of beer fans. (http://www.singaporesights.com/sight/beerfest-asia-2009)

The next best practice of Beer fest Asia would be the location. Partying right under the giant Ferris wheel was quite an authentic experience. Singapore’s version of the London Eye stands like a giant, over the Marina Bay area, overlooking the commercial district of the city. The marquee also stood right by the Singapore River and with the breezy ambience combined with sassy electronic funk, the crowd grooved to the early morning hours. There are also other Attractions, Food & beverage and Hotels around the area which made it very accessible and comfortable for the people who came.

Another best practice of the festival is the Entertainment. By inviting popular artist such as the Vertical Horizon and Hell’s Belles it definitely attracts a lot of music fans. Their performance is the major highlight of the festival. Also to keep the Ambience and mood of the festival there were also other local bands who gave multiple performances. Other games organized such as the Arm wrestling competition also created the mood and gave people an enjoyable experience.

Lastly I personally feel that the beer currency idea and the service provided in the festival are the best practice of the festival too. By creating an idea where people would have to buy a booklet of beer currency to buy the beers in the festival made it easy for people as they would not have to keep on taking out the wallet and pay for each beer they buy. They could easily use the currency as they are trying out many different beers at the festival. I felt that the service provided in the festival was very good as the staff would always approach people and attend to their needs.

Even though there are many best practices in the festival I felt that food selection could have been increased to cater to more people as they may prefer to have a variety choice of food to enhance their experience. Another practice that they could improve is that they should not allow people who do not have the VIP tickets to the VIP sitting areas. This would make the people who bought the VIP tickets unsatisfied as they paid more for the exclusivity. (http://eatbma.blogspot.com/2009/05/beerfest-asia-2009-singapore.html)

Marco Polo German Bierfest
In the Marco Polo German Bierfest one of their best practices was throughout the whole festival they were trying to create mood and ambience like a German festival. This is because that Beer festival or called the Oktoberfest was originated in Germany.
Firstly the food selection is one of their best practices. They have a many different types of German food available to choose from. They can indulge in authentic German delicacies such as roasted pork knuckle served with braised red cabbage and gratinated potatoes; braised beef rolls on red wine sauce with braised red cabbage and spatzli; roast her-marinated half chicken with carrot and potato salad; pan-fried salmon cutlet with dill-caper sauce and boiled new potatoes; and lots more.Something different and interesting that they had was also the Extravagant desserts that were available for people to taste and enjoy such as strawberry pancake with rhubarb compote; apple strudel with vanilla sauce; German cheesecake with forest berry compote; and grandmothers pear crumble tart with almonds and vanilla anglaise. These are a sweet end to the meal. (http://www.gbfhk.com/eng_press.pdf)

Another best practice they had was inviting the German Band Notenhoblers, a six-member band from Munich to bring traditional tunes and madcap antics to the festival. This created the mood and atmosphere for the festival and the people there enjoyed their performances. They were also a number of exciting games that have been organized for guests to enjoy including 'Strong Man' ; 'Milking the Cow,' 'Pump-the-Balloon,' 'Chicken Dance,' various drinking contests. (http://www.gbfhk.com/eng_press.pdf)

Lastly I personally feel that providing souvenir for purchasing the ticket is a good idea and also the souvenir has a Germany flag on it. They also have a souvenir store in the festival where they can buy Germany products such as their T-shirt and mugs.

Even though there are many best practices in the festival I felt that the ticket packages could be improved. There was only one standard ticket price for the Adult and child and I think they should improve this by having various packages to cater to different groups.

Stakeholders in Beer Fest Asia
Host organization –Beer fest Asia
- Host community – Singapore citizens, Hotels, Attractions, F&B, Shopping centre around the area.
- Participants - Vertical Horizon, Hell’s Belles, Local bands such as 53A, The Goodfellas, Jack & Rai EIC, Heritage, Reverie & Rene, Swiss Alpine Lions, Power 98 FM DJ Jensen Ho and DJ Samurai.
- Spectators – People who attended the festival
- Co- workers- All the staff such as the ticketing, back stage crew, service staff, operations staff
- Media – Internet, Radio 98.0 fm, FHM, Time out Singapore magazine
Official Credit Card Citibank
Official Venue Singapore Flyer
Official Hotel Grand Park City Hall
Official Events Magazine Time Out Singapore
Official Men’s Magazine FHM Singapore
Official Radio Station Power 98
Official Food Website HungryGoWhere.com
Official Music Partner Timbre Music
Official Club Party Partner B-Yond
Official Sound Reinforcement DAS Audio
Official Production Management Partner NLX Event Services
Official Technical Partner CSP Productions
Official Musical Instrument Partner BMC Music Centre
Official Refrigeration Contractor Lowe Refrigeration
Official Freight Forwarder Food & Beverage Logistics
(A division of the A. Hartrodt Group)
Official Ventilation Partner Bio Air
Supported by Singapore Exhibitions and Conventions
Held in Uniquely Singapore

Main Purpose
The main purpose of the Beer fest Asia would be to gather all the beer lovers together and target different groups of people to attend this festival to taste and sample beers. They also use this festival to showcase all the different types of beers in the world and allow people to experiment and taste beers that they never taste before. The festival also allows consumers to become more educated about the world of handcrafted beers.

The purpose for this festival is to allow each brewery and distributor to bring their unique beers to the festival where they can introduce and reach out to new consumers. This can be a place to market their new products to the customers and attract them.

The purpose of this festival is for trade as well. As Beer fest is growing in the long run to become the premier marketplace in Asia for industry colleagues to exchange dialogue and promote their products amongst one another. The festival will be something positive during these times to inject trade interest, develop business dealings and hopefully bring a cheer to Singapore behind the backdrop of a pending economic upturn.
The another purpose of this event is also to provide entertainment for the people as they have invited Singaporean and international artists to perform at the beer fest Asia.

Tourism benefits
There are many tourism benefits received by Singapore for hosting the Beer fest Asia.

Economic & Tourism benefit
The first economic benefit is the tourism revenue. As not only locals came for the festival there was also tourist who attended. The chosen dates for the festival is a contribution factor for this. This is because the festival falls on the long May Day weekend which means not only in Singapore also in Malaysia there is a Public holiday which is a Friday followed by the weekend. So Malaysians could easily drop by for the event too which increases our tourism revenue as they would spend in Singapore.
Tourist could also extend their length of stay and visit nearby attractions as the Beer fest Asia is located near the Marina bay area. They could also stay in the hotels and spend in the food & beverage outlets. This all leads to the increase in tourism revenue.
Another benefit is that using this festival other events could also promote themselves and increase business opportunities such as the formula 1. There was a booth for the formula 1 where they sold tickets, provided information about the event and also had a Formula 1 car stimulator game. The festival also creates employment for local as a lot of manpower is needed for the festival to run well.

Political Benefits
The festival improves Singapore’s profile and it shows to the world that we could also host a festival like this. As this is Beer Fest Asia other Asian countries would also know and get to know about this festival which would increase our international prestige and reputation.

Social & cultural Benefits
They would be a shared entertainment experience as the people who attend the festival would be able to enjoy together and also at the same time socialize. This would also gather all the similar interest people together such as beer lovers or music fans to network socialize and increase pride for their group.

In conclusion I feel that Beer Fest Asia was better than Marco Polo German Bierfest in a few aspects but they also had a few key practices that were good. I had a great time in Beer fest Asia this year and felt that the event was a success and I hope that next year’s festival would be better than this and I can’t wait to attend it.


Beer fest Asia

Posted @ 10:33 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Posted @ 9:53 PM

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . Karthik's blog officially open ! :x

Posted @ 12:32 AM